Local Is Vocal - We believe in growing together

Essenz means “indispensible quality” and LoVo stands for “Local is Vocal”.  Essenz LoVo is here to represent the strength of our Local businesses and committed to provide affordable services to them.

We are a Digital Agency specializing in enterprise solutions, software development, content management and Digital Marketing. Women power is our key strength and we firmly believe in same and that is why we have been persistently adding more female professionals to our team. Our highly experienced team is comprised of front end developers, UI Experts, Mobile App Developers,, Back-end Development team, API’s developers and skilled managers who can deliver quality work on time. We are continuously working to provide sustainable Software and marketing solutions to increase productivity and strengthen the business.

Full Range of Digital Marketing Services!

Are you looking for the one stop digital marketing solutions. Then it’s

time to rely on us. We create innovative marketing strategies

that help your business increase their reach and engagement to

their target audience

  • Search Engine optimization
  • Social Media Management
  • Reputation Management
  • Branding
  • Content Management
  • Video Marketing
  • Pay-per-click
  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Marketing

Error Free Software Development!

Get end-to-end custom web app development and programming

Services based on the advanced technologies and latest industry


  • Web Application
  • Mobile Application
  • Customized Software Solutions
  • Business Application
  • Legacy Application upgrade
  • Content Management System
  • Ready to deploy applications
  • E-Commerce Applications

Ready to Deploy Software Solutions!

We provide solutions which can easily deployed

with minimum modification

  • Learning Management System
  • Legal Firm management system
  • E-commerce multi seller application
  • E- commerce single seller application
  • Hospital management system
  • Loan management application
  • School management application