On-Demand Doctor Clone App

Build your own online doctor app with our readily available doctor on-demand clone scripts. These scripts are 100% customizable as per your branding requirement. connect patient and providers together online. We are so busy that we hardly find time to visit the doctor’s chamber to book an appointment.

Why Choose Our Doctor App Clone ?

For Patients

  • Elimination of waiting in long queues
  • With one tap connect to doctors
  • Instant communication with care team of the clinic
  • Time effective
  • Cost saving
  • 24*7 access to healthcare
  • Schedule appointments from anywhere and anytime
  • Pay bills online

For Doctors

  • Self promotion
  • Online presence
  • Enhance patient base
  • 24*7 accessibility to patients
  • Serve remotely

For Clinics

  • Enhance their efficiency
  • Better management of staff
  • Avoid overbooking
  • Productivity comparison becomes easy
  • Eliminate manual errors
  • Time saved on carrying out administrative tasks

Features for Doctor clone app script

User Profile

A user profile is an displaying users data – picture , gender, location, address ,phone number, email etc.

Doctor Profile

Doctor Profile should  contain information like education , experience and allow doctor to list and verify their credentials.

Medical History

A doctor clone app allow patient to view their medical records and send them to family members and doctors.

Patients Details

Treatment history and other medical details of the patients who availed the service are recorded for future purpose.

Health Feed

Doctors can post health article on the platform.

Protected Login

A single login account doctors and patients can securely login on dashboard.

Working Process Of Doctor Clone App

  • Book An Appointment

    Once you choose the doctor of your choice, you can move ahead and book your appointment with a doctor through their respective platforms.

  • Search Doctors Online

    Search for a doctor online through a doctor appointment app. Choose a doctor who fits your needs and offers you solutions to your health problems.

  • Register And Make Profiles

    User can make profile and information register on the platform .

  • Get Desirable Services

    After going through a certain procedure of doctor appointment app, get any desirable services and consult it well with your doctor.

  • Make Payments

    When the doctor makes all the services available you can the payment through a secure payment option.

Ready to Build doctor clone app contact us

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